Delivery Information
All orders are shipped from London, United Kingdom.
Please be aware all custom denim has up to a 2 week processing time prior to dispatch.
Once an order has been placed, changes to the delivery address and customer details cannot be made.
Orders placed before 1pm GMT will be shipped the same working day. Orders placed after 1pm GMT will be dispatched the following working day.
Orders placed after this time will be dispatched the following working day.
Delivery is Monday to Friday excluding public bank holidays.
Delivery Options
Free express delivery worldwide on orders over £400
Free express delivery worldwide on orders over £400
United Kingdom
FedEx next working day
Next working day delivery
Charge: £6
FedEx Express
3-6 working days
Charge: £18
USA, Canada
FedEx Express
3-5 working days
Charge: £14
FedEx Express
5-7 working days
Charge: £30
Australia, New Zealand
FedEx Express
7-10 working days
Charge: £40
Rest Of The World
FedEx Express
5-7 working days
Charge: £30
Customers are fully responsible for any import taxes due on shipments outside the UK.
If the required import tax is not settled with the courier resulting in a return, the customer will be responsible for the charge of a re delivery fee with no option to cancel or refund.